Separation Day: Annual Celebration of Delaware’s Independence from England and Pennsylvania
Living in Delaware, you often hear about it being the “The First State” which derives from Delaware being the first of the 13 colonies to ratify the US Constitution on December 7, 1787. But do you know what Separation Day, to be celebrated this year on June 9-10 in Old New Castle, is all about?
Separation Day marks the day that residents from all three counties, then known as “The Assembly of the Lower Counties of Pennsylvania”, came together in New Castle and voted unanimously to not only reject the rule of King George III and England but to also reject the authority of the family of William Penn. The residents voted to form “The Delaware State” and become one of the original 13 colonies.
What makes this additionally unique is that all of this happened more than two weeks before the Continental Congress would declare independence from England. New Castle became the state’s first capital and that is why it hosts the annual Separation Day celebration.
This year marks the 247th of the Separation Day celebration. It begins on Friday, June 9, from 6pm-9pm with a Kick Off Party featuring live music, drinks (alcoholic and non) and food trucks. The Festival takes place the next day, Saturday, June 10 beginning at 12pm with the Parade followed by the Festival and Vintage Market and ending with fireworks. For more information, visit
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