
Personalization – The Key to Amazing Gifts

Gift-giving is a wonderful way to say thank you, celebrate and express your feelings. We all know the adage “it’s the thought that counts” and it is very true. Personalization is a way to take it up a notch further, transforming a wonderful gift into something extraordinary! As we continue through this season of gift-giving, […]

Jewelry Statistics and Consumer Shopping Behavior

Have you ever wondered about the overall jewelry market statistics and consumer shopping behavior? We sure do! Jewelry has been part of the human experience practically since our earliest beginnings and it continues to be one of the pillars of fashion around the world. Let’s dive into details on the jewelry market! It is estimated […]

Fun Facts about Sapphires

The September birthday, Sapphire, is beautiful and a favorite of royalty, think “royal blue,” for centuries. We’ve written about them several times sharing and . But there is still so much to know! Keep reading for some fun and interesting facts about sapphires! Toughness: Sapphires are a tough gem, a 9 out of 10 on […]

Emerald by Day, Ruby by Night – Alexandrite

The last couple of years, we have explored two of the three June birthstones – the pearl and moonstone. Not to be forgotten is the third June birthstone (and gemstone for the 55th anniversary) – alexandrite. Legend has it that alexandrite was named for Alexander II, the emperor of Russia from 1855 – 1881, due […]

Caring for Gems: Diamond

In our second installment of our five-part series on caring for gemstones, we will explore the care and cleaning of diamonds, the April birthstone. Check out our birthstone of the month post from April 5 for more information on the stone itself. Diamonds are the hardest natural substance on Earth. They are formed from carbon […]

Gorgeous Garnet

Those born in January have garnet as their gemstone. The name originates from medieval Latin granatus, meaning pomegranate. Garnets have been popular since the Bronze Age. The Pharaohs of Egypt wore necklaces with red garnets while the ancient Romans used garnet intaglios to stamp wax to secure important documents. In the Middle Ages, garnets were […]

The Yin Yang Symbol

A very popular symbol in jewelry, the Yin Yang which dates back to ancient China, represents the idea that an equal balance creates harmony. The two opposite characteristics, the Yin represented in black as the feminine side and Yang represented in white as the masculine side, complement each other and represent the interconnectedness of the […]

Koh-i-Noor Diamond, The Mountain of Light

Centuries of turmoil surround the Koh-i-Noor diamond and the debate over its ownership is still under dispute. The Koh-i-Noor came from India, sifted out of the river sands and is first written about in 1628. The Mughals, who came from Central Asia, invaded India in 1526 and would rule India for 330 years. In 1628, […]

Engagement Rings – What You Need to Know

The summer months are a very popular time for couples to become engaged. Engagement rings can be traced back as far as Ancient Egypt in 3000 BC and were designed round to symbolize eternity. Today, the most popular style of engagement ring is a round cut diamond, followed by a princess cut. White gold and […]

Thanks for a Great Year! See you in 2021.

Thanks to you, our customers, we’ve been super busy during the holiday shopping season! Now it’s time for the Bridgewater team to take a much needed break to spend time with loved ones and to keep ourselves and our community safe and healthy. Bridgewater Jewelers will be closed from December 25 through January 4, re-opening […]

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