Valentine’s Day – Mysterious Origins

Valentine’s Day is celebrated around the world on February 14, when friends and lovers share cards, poems, candy and gifts. But what are the origins of Valentine’s Day? It is actually a bit of a mystery. There are three saints recognized as Valentine or Valentinus within the Catholic Church and all three were martyred. The […]

2022 Trends to Watch

Start the new year off with these fabulous jewelry trends and you’ll look your best all year long! Color, Color and More Color: The minimalistic look is gone, replaced by beautiful bright, eye-catching colorful gems. With a rainbow of colors to choose from, you are bound to find just the right one! From reds to […]

The Taylor-Burton Diamond – The First Million Dollar Diamond

The Taylor-Burton Diamond, so named for the man who purchased it – Richard Burton – and the woman who wore it – Elizabeth Taylor, was the first diamond to exceed the $1M price for a diamond. In fact, the previous record price for a diamond was just $305,000 while Richard Burton paid $1.1M. The rough […]

Gorgeous Garnet

Those born in January have garnet as their gemstone. The name originates from medieval Latin granatus, meaning pomegranate. Garnets have been popular since the Bronze Age. The Pharaohs of Egypt wore necklaces with red garnets while the ancient Romans used garnet intaglios to stamp wax to secure important documents. In the Middle Ages, garnets were […]

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