Myths and Legends about Opal, October’s Birthstone
Opals are one of October’s birthstone, with pink tourmaline being the other. They are also the gem for the 14th wedding anniversary. Opals are amazing with their play of color or rainbow colors. They have long been associated with hope, happiness, innocence and good luck. What do you know about these color shifting gems?
- Australia mines about 95% of all precious opals used in jewelry and opal is the nation’s national gemstone.
- Opals come in many colors and black opals are one of the rarest gemstones, having only been discovered in Australia.
- Opals were the favorite gemstone of Queen Victoria in England.
- Opal deposits have been discovered on Mars!
These are very cool facts, but let’s consider the myths around opals as there are many.
- Arabic legend says opals fell from the sky in bolts of lightning.
- Greek mythology has opals originating as joyful tears from Zeus, after winning the battle against the Titans.
- Aborigines of Australia believe the Creator cam to Earth on a rainbow and opals were left where his feet touched the ground.
- In the Middle Ages opals were thought to possess the powers of each gemstone whose color appeared in the opal.
- While generally associated with luck, there have been stories that marred the perception of this gorgeous gem:
- In 1829, Sir Walter Scott’s book, Anne of Geierstein, about an enchanted princess whose opal changed color with her moods, changed perception of the gem when a few drops of holy water extinguished the stone’s magic and the princess died. Opal sales in Europe dropped by 50% within a year of the book’s publication.
- King Alfonso XII was gifted an opal ring for his wedding. He gave it to his wife who died. The ring was given to Alfonso’s grandmother, sister and sister in law, all of whom died. Alfonso was the last to wear the ring, dying shortly after.
Luckily these beautiful and colorful gems are back in popularity! Stop by Bridgewaters to learn more about opals and, perhaps find your next favorite piece of jewelry!