Fun Facts about Sapphires

The September birthday, Sapphire, is beautiful and a favorite of royalty, think “royal blue,” for centuries. We’ve written about them several times sharing and . But there is still so much to know! Keep reading for some fun and interesting facts about sapphires! Toughness: Sapphires are a tough gem, a 9 out of 10 on […]

What’s in a Name? How Grandparents get their Nick Names.

With National Grandparents Day just past, we started to wonder about the many different names that grandparents are called. While many grandparents choose to remain traditional with Grandma or Grandpa, there is wide spectrum of nicknames: MomMom/PopPop, Meemaw, Gramps/Gram and so many more. So where and why did these nicknames come from? Grandma and Grandpa […]

Third August Birthstone – Spinel

August babies are super lucky – they get to choose between three different gems: Peridot, Sardonyx and Spinel. We’ve shared details about peridot and sardonyx in past blogs and so today we will focus on spinel, a stone that comes in a multitude of colors from red to purple to blue and bluish green. Spinel […]

Back to School!

The days are getting shorter and when that starts to happen, we all know what time it is! Back to School! If this time of year makes you a little down, we have just the fun facts to cheer you right up. Read on for fun facts about school. Did you know…? High school didn’t […]

Dos and Don’ts of Accessorizing at Work

We love our jewelry and want to show it off every chance we get. However, there may be times when we need to consider what is appropriate when it comes to wearing jewelry to the office. Jewelry draws the eye and even small pieces draw attention to where it is placed, which can be both […]

Symbolism of the Ruby

The gorgeous ruby is the July birthstone as well as the traditional gift for celebrating 15th and 40th wedding anniversaries. Rubies have symbolized power and protection throughout the ages. They were believed to protect warriors in battle. A more modern day connection to this belief are the ruby slippers worn by Dorothy in The Wizard […]

The History of Ice Cream

Did you know that ice cream’s roots can be traced back as far as the second century BC? Based on texts that have survived, including the Bible, we know that Alexander the Great and King Solomon enjoyed snow/ice drinks flavored with honey, nectar and fruit juices. The Romans were also fans of this iced concoction […]

Emerald by Day, Ruby by Night – Alexandrite

The last couple of years, we have explored two of the three June birthstones – the pearl and moonstone. Not to be forgotten is the third June birthstone (and gemstone for the 55th anniversary) – alexandrite. Legend has it that alexandrite was named for Alexander II, the emperor of Russia from 1855 – 1881, due […]

Personalized Gifts and Keepsakes

Did you know we offer engraving? The engraving is done onsite at the store and is customizable and made to order! You can customize your design or we can help to create one for you. We have a variety of fonts to choose from and can scan logos, handwriting, special symbols and designs to engrave […]

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